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Barbara Lebek


Name: Barbara Lebek

Showroom: 1B25B

Categorie: Women’s clothes

Brand website: www.lebek.de


Scandinavian Fashion Agency Oy

Emilia Rönnqvist-Leivo


+358 400 739 389


Barbara Lebek collections exude joy of life and individuality. The collections combine elegant and sporty elements, well-thought-out details, neat and skillful design and a good fit. Quality is a top priority, which is why the brand invests in sustainable materials. Their collections always offer a wide range of different colors, models and combination possibilities. They are also famous for their wide and versatile jacket collection, where you can find options for different occasions and uses.

In 2024, Barbara Lebek celebrated it’s 100th anniversary. Located in Bad Marienberg, Germany, this family owned company is one of Europe’s leading women’s clothing brands and one of the strongest brands in Germany in terms sell-through figures year after year.

We welcome you to check out our collection at Fashion Center!

Barbara Lebek logo
Showroom 1B25B, 1-krs